Whether for Public Safety Communications or cellular service, Signal Surveys can determine exactly where coverage problem areas are in your building and provide DAS integrators like Industrial Communications with hard data so that we can provide appropriately designed solutions. This can save you time and money while providing a better working system.
Industrial Communications' engineering team will measure, perform and record a thorough building “walk test” or “grid test” to record thousands of coverage measurements using advanced wireless scanning and recording testers. The equipment can measure many data sets, such as RSSI, (Received Signal Strength Indicator) BER, (Bite Error Rate) and SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise ratio).
This enables us to benchmark baseline RF signal, cellular signal and broadband signal strength and coverage. With these readings, and the measurements from the outside network, our team will prepare a thorough analysis and recommendation report that may include the requirement of enhancing services through a DAS (distributed antenna system). Finally, the team will review potential locations for donor antennas, headend equipment, fiber infrastructure, cable runs and power.
We evaluate the following field signal measurements and factors during a DAS Site survey:
We then create reports that can give you easily digestible maps, charts and graphs of your building’s current Received Signal Strength of the desired radio frequencies for your entire facility
From this point, we can help you determine the best course of action, whether it’s amplifiers to extend your current coverage or a full DAS installation.
Contact us today to Schedule a DAS Site Survey with Industrial Communications today!